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​News & Events

The Wildlife Garden

We are delighted to announce that we shall soon be starting work on our wildlife garden project!

This is an opportunity for everyone to get involved with our own patch of re-wilding. Edinburgh Council have kindly allowed us use of this unused area of land that stretches from the main perimeter of the Fields to the railings on Granton Road. 

In partnership with The Conservation Volunteers (TCV) organisation, we plan to create a haven of peace in the city for wildlife and visitors.  TCV have already secured a grant of £1000 from The Mushroom Trust, who support such ecological projects, and we have been awarded a further £2,700 from Edinburgh Council for signage and a bench.

We will be organising gardening days, when members of the public can get involved with the creation of the garden, on 28th February and 8th March.

Watch this space for further information!

Below is a rough sketch of the proposed design so far:


Here's an artist's impression of our ongoing projects for the Fields.  You can see the plot identified for the wildlife garden on the left of the image. We have already planted daffodils around the north perimeter, and we have also instigated the planting of 750 trees as part of Edinburgh Council's Million Tree Project. They can now be seen planted around the perimeter at the far end of the Fields, arranged to create a natural walkway and wildlife habitat. We have been planting fruit bushes for the enjoyment of the local community too.

If you would like to contribute to our future projects, please make a donation via text or a bank transfer to our account. Details can be found on the 'Join Us' page.

Looking to the Future


Daffodil Bulb Planting Day!

A big thank you to those who turned out for our daffodil planting on Saturday 13th November 2021.

We had wonderful weather and managed to plant 450 bulbs in an hour and a half! We separated into teams and developed various techniques for getting through the tough grass. 

The daffodils are planted at the north end of the Field to discourage passing folk from picking them, and just inside the border of unmown grass at the edge of the pitches. Hopefully, they will make a splendid display in spring next year.


Teams of jolly volunteers of all ages busy with spades and bulb planters. Thank you, everyone!


Look out for our daffodils in the spring!

After a gloomy start to the day, the sun broke through and shone on our Big Picnic event on Sunday 22nd August 2021. 


As it was the first event of its kind, we had no idea how many folk would come along with their picnic blankets and sandwiches, but we estimate a couple of hundred turned up to enjoy our wonderful playing fields!


The ice cream van was a big hit of course, but there were also stalls selling children's books, school uniforms and orange squash, plus free activities such as 'Guess the seed pod', 'Make a Seed Bomb!', a Scavenger Hunt and a colouring-in table.


Thanks go to our fund-raising team for their inventiveness, enthusiasm and hard work. We'd also like to thank Edinburgh Leisure for opening the toilet facilities in the pavilion for the event, and providing much-needed rubbish bins.


Sporting activities were also in evidence. Niall Considine, the Dunedin Og Club Development Officer, organised gaelic football games and team sports for youngsters, and the Friends of Wardie Playing Fields held running races for children (and adults!) later on. 


Above: the first comers gather around the stalls


Right: Our chair, Sheila Ross, opening the  event


It was great to see so many people coming together after these many months of isolation, and enjoying a care-free afternoon.


We'd like to thank everyone for coming along to make the event such a success, and donating generously to the Friends of Wardie Playing Fields. We raised at least £265 in cash towards our wild flower meadow, and the text-giving has yet to be counted. 

Roll on next year!


Left: Children racing for the finish line

Below: Lots of fun with the giant ball on the Gaelic Football pitch


Left and above: Sanne's Seed Bomb stall. Who knew re-wilding  could be so much fun? Mix it up, let it dry and take home to create a patch of wild flower colour!


Trinity Gala 2022


Sunday 28th August 2022 saw us at the bi-annual Trinity Gala again. This is a wonderful local event which incorporates load of activities, including an open-air church service, pipers, Zumba try out, stalls, Porto and Fi food van, games and fun dog show!


The Friends held a stall with a colouring-in table for children, our seed quiz, and cake sale. We talked to lots of interested local people and signed up new members.

Once again the weather was amazing as you can see in these photographs. A really terrific day!

Let us know if you'd like to be involved in the future.

The Community BBQ!


Broughton Rugby Club, in collaboration with Dunedin Gaelic Football Club hosted a Community BBQ in the Fields on Sunday 21st August 2022.

The event started with a litter pick, a free barbecue, a fun dog show and a bake-off competition. There were also 'have a try' rugby and gaelic football sessions running all day for youngsters .


Left: Some of our enthusiastic litter picker team!

Right: Eleanor Milner explains to visitors how to play the 'Identify a Seed' game.

And below: The sporting 'try-outs' in full fling


The Friends of Wardie Playing Fields had a stall next to the BBQ and many people signed up to join us. Visitors were so overwhelmed at getting free food, they kindly donated to our funds instead. 

The best part of the whole day was seeing so many children and young people having a go at new sporting activities. The Field was alive with enthusiasm and yelps of joy.

Again the weather was kind to us all - aren't we lucky?!

Screenshot 2021-08-23 at 19.50.16.png

Gaelic Football

This all looked so much fun on the day, and if you have children who would like to try Gaelic Football, Niall would love to hear from you. Girls and boys of all ages are most welcome. Contact him using the details opposite:

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