Litter Collections
Upcoming Events

Watch this space for news of our next litter pick. Meet in the car park.
We have lots of litter pickers and bin bags so just come with your friends, neighbours, children and enthusiasm.
Please spread the word. Thank you!
Where does all the rubbish come from?
In order to help secure the preservation of this green space, The Friends Group organises regular litter collections in the Fields, usually in the Spring and Autumn. If you'd like to get involved, sign up to become a Friend and receive our occasional newsletters.
Our thanks go to everyone who turns out to help. We encourage anyone who uses the Fields to lend a hand, from dog walkers to sports teams.
Our last event in March 2024 was another lovely day. We always seem to be lucky with the weather. We combined it with fruit bush planting which split the workforce. Both jobs would be made easier with more people. We all worked hard for two hours, but it is also great fun and very rewarding.
Here you can see some jolly volunteers at their work, and the huge pile of rubbish collected at the end!

A big thank you to all our enthusiastic volunteers!

Past Events
Due to the enthusiasm of our new committee members, in April 2021 we had the best turn-out to date, over 40 people! We could not have hoped for better weather and there was a feeling of exuberance as lockdown restrictions had begun to ease.
Families set off in their groups armed with litter grabbers, gloves and plastic sacks. Because of the increased number of volunteers, a job that normally takes all afternoon was pretty much completed in an hour and a half! Children were able to squeeze under bushes where adults couldn't reach, and the strong players from the rugby club tackled the larger pieces of junk that find their way into the Fields.

We are always glad to welcome volunteers from the rugby club and parents and children from Wardie Primary School.

Above you can see volunteers planting some of the many fruit bushes given to us by the Council for the benefit of the local community. And behind some of the hundreds of trees planted as part of the city's million tree project.
After a year of lockdown, during which the Playing Fields have provided a lifeline for local residents' daily exercise and dog-walking, and as a children's playground and place for teenagers to let off steam, there was of course an increase in rubbish.
Again, can we appeal to everyone to be vigilant about litter and vandalism? If you witness anything untoward, please call the police to deal with it. We want the Playing Fields to remain open to all and enjoyed by everyone as a valuable green space in the city.